Forum Discussion

Antonio_Haynes's avatar
11 years ago

Help! lightweight find method for flex/flash application needed.

Hello,  I have implimented a basic find method to locate objects in my tested application.  Method Below:   function Get_Control(PropName, PropVal){  //Creates arrays of property names and value...
  • Antonio_Haynes's avatar
    10 years ago

    Just to follow up with this thread using the browser.find method is working great for me now .... i have managed to remove the name mapping and the tested applications from my project entirely after wich i no longer have any issue with memory i find my controls based on property name/value pairs and im able to pass any process as a tested process and then begin mapping controls using my methods this has opened a great platform for creating automated tests against any platform. I'm in no way trying to play down the name mapping and tested applications included with test complete but i find that this method is much more suitable to automating in my current environment. Thanks for the input in helping me toward my solution!