Forum Discussion

Geethanjali's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Getting "Java Run time Error" when writing to Excel

Hi, Am trying to write my result back to an excel file. Am using the code as below .But am getting "Java Run time error". Any help here would be really helpful.    let Excel = Sys.OleObject("Excel...
  • BenoitB's avatar
    5 years ago

    A more complete working sample just for you

    Beware of indexes of Line and Column starting at 0.


    function writeExcel(Valeur, Line, Column, ExcelFile, SheetName) {
      let excelObject, excelWorkbookObj, excelMainSheet;
      try {
        excelObject               = Sys.OleObject("Excel.Application");
        if (excelObject == null)
          throw Error("Excel n'est pas installé !");
        excelObject.Visible       = false;
        excelObject.DisplayAlerts = false;
        excelWorkbookObj          = excelObject.Workbooks.Open(ExcelFile);
        excelMainSheet            = excelWorkbookObj.Sheets.item(SheetName);
        excelMainSheet.Cells.Item(Line, Column).Value2 = Valeur;
      catch(e) {
        Log.Message("Erreur durant la mise à jour Excel", e.message, pmHigher);
      finally {
        if (excelObject != null) {
          excelObject      = null;
          excelWorkbookObj = null;
          excelMainSheet   = null;