Forum Discussion

dmohapl's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

getting advantage of test report summary while running subset of tests from command line


is it possible to get the advantage of test  report summary that Test Complete has to offer when running only subset of tests?

Also, is it possible to execute one group or groups of test items from comand line? 

3 Replies

  • dmohapl's avatar
    Occasional Contributor


    the two questions are somewhat related.

    TestComplete offers a nice reporting tool including summary with some basic stats, graph etc. (That was, in fact, one of the deciding point for me to use the tool, we code everything otherwise ourselves)

    However, to get such summary one needs to run the entire test suite with the test items structured as per: and requires us to add tests as test items manually ( as per another forum discussion) 

    From the command line, one can execute the entire test suite and in that case, the summary page is available.

    With all other options available in: it seems that the a) summary page is not available and b) it is impossible to execute a "group of test items", unless I am missing something.

    At the moment, I ask our test developers to add manually each test into a specific group of test items  for the project as well as  into a method that allows us to execute just a specific group of tests.  This may introduce additional errors once we have more tests and more test developers 

    I need a flexibility of executing all tests in a project or certain groups of tests depending on a requirement.

    Ideally I would like to do it all programatically and still take advantage of the reporting tool that TestComplete has to offer.

    Note, that I do not want to introduce separate projects for each requirement as some of the tests overlap and common libraries are used

    ( for the common libraries the plan is to introduce extensions eventually, but the team and our project is not mature enough just yet ) 

    Please, let me know, if more explanation is needed. A possible  user case  is:

    As a user I would like to combine existing tests any way I want, exdecute these combinations  and get the full test report with summary and stats for it.