Forum Discussion

ischerbakov's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

Freezing of Remote computer if cursor moved to workstation


I am testing Flex application runned on remote computer in our local network. 

Sometimes, but several times at the test, TestComplete stops functional web test execution and wait unitl I move mouse from my left monitor to right monitor with msts.exe and TestComplete. Sometemes it is required to perform click on the Remote window to tect continueing.

As a rule, test pauses befor methods object.Cilck() or object.Keys(), for example, before filling Flex text boxes.

I read article and add two keys to the rigistry on my local machine, restart mstsc.exe, but it have not an effect for me.

My local machine is Windows 7 x64, machine with TestComplete is Windows 8.0 Professional. Version of TestComplete is 10.60.

Also I have tried to use RealVNC to connect to remote desktop, but it also have not positive effect.


How I can prevent stopping of test engine during mouse focusing on my local desktop?


