FindElementbyXpath times out and TC ends in error - object not found
I run a mobile app on physical Android device connected (via usb) to my laptop using a local Appium server.
At one point (after executing a few interactions with the mobile app), I try to find an element by xpath. The element is not on screen at the time of the search. I was expecting the findElementByxPath to return an empty object with the .Exists property. It is not the case and the tests stops with the message:
"Unable to find an element that matches the specified 'xpath' selector strategy and value '//*[contains(@text, "Professionnal")]"
My next step was to swipe up the screen if the object.Exists returns false.
Any suggestions as to why ".FindElementByXPath('//*[contains(@text, "' + findThisText + '")]');" makes the tests to stop instead of returning an empty stub (empty object with .Exists property)?
The same find by xpath works ok for a string which is on screen at the time of the search.
I am running TC 15.40
Android 9.1.0 on Huawei P20