FindChild and FindChildEx hang, even with timeout
Main point: FindChild and FindChildEx are hanging. They do not return, either quickly (for FindChild) or after the timeout (FindChildEx).
I can walk the object tree easily down to a level of Page. Below that are Panels and possible nested Panels, all ending in TextNodes.
In particular, I need to find TextNode(0) at the end of an unknown length (possibly 0) of nested child Panel(0)
The following *should* work (I'm using Python):
curObj = page
panel = curObj.FindChild("Name", "Panel0") # FindChild ignores ( and ) # Find Panel0 (if it exists) in the Page
while panel.Exists: # recurse through any Panel0
curObj = panel
panel = curObj.FindChild("Name", "Panel0")
textNode = curObj.FindChild("Name", "TextNode0") # find TextNode0 at the end of the Panel0's
return textNode
But about 10% of the time FindChild hangs. Even FindChildEx ignores the timeout and hangs.
If I close the window, FindChild (or FindChildEx) returns immediately.
So why is FindChild hanging? This is messing my tests royally.