Forum Discussion

dfontanesi's avatar
14 years ago

Find vs FindAll - One works, one doesn't

I'm trying to locate a div with a given id (sID).  The FindAll command below works fine, except it takes a long time and I'd rather use Find.  But Find gives me a "Object doesn't support this property or method" error.  Am I doing something wrong?  This API seems pretty inconsistent if not.

      Dim PropArray, ValuesArray, obj

      PropArray = Array("tagName", "idStr")

      ValuesArray = Array("DIV", sID)

      obj = GetInternetBrowser.Application.Page("*").FindAll(PropArray, ValuesArray, 500)

      Dim PropArray, ValuesArray, obj

      PropArray = Array("tagName", "idStr")

      ValuesArray = Array("DIV", sID)

      obj = GetInternetBrowser.Application.Page("*").Find(PropArray, ValuesArray, 500)

I'm still using TestComplete 7.52.678.7
  • FindAll returns an array while Find returns a specific object.

    I think you need to use "set" when you're using the Find method.

2 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor
    FindAll returns an array while Find returns a specific object.

    I think you need to use "set" when you're using the Find method.
  • Oh shoot.  I'm not really a VBScript guy and these little things get me all the time. 

    Thanks for your help.
