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mspatel's avatar
10 years ago

FileExists aand FindFiles failed when No file in Folder TestComplete

aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\Temp\" , "*.zip" ) .count failed when there is no file or Folder in the Target Folder. 

It complains about "Object Doesnt Exist " or something...Shouldnt it Return NULL Object if nothing Exist 

Not only aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\Temp\" , "*.zip" ) .count  but If you just do following 

Set countFiles = aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\Temp\" , "*.zip" )  it will fail when There is no contents in Folder.

I am Using this to Poll folder for perticular file...

I cant use aqFileSystem.Exists(zipFilePath) because file that gets dropped to that location has dynamic names ....and Exist() methos wont accept wildcard usage like 

aqFileSystem.Exists(zipOutPutFolder&"\*.zip") --- > this will always return false ....even though file is There...

Whats the best way to Poll a directory in this situation ???


  • Hi.

    Here is working piece of code.

    Sub testFiles

    Dim countFiles

    Set countFiles = aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\Temp\" , "*.zip" )

    If countFiles Is Nothing Then

      Log.Message ( "No files found" )


      For I = 0 To countFiles.Count - 1

        Log.Message( countFiles.Item( I ).Name )


    End If  

    End Sub  

  • Hi.

    Here is working piece of code.

    Sub testFiles

    Dim countFiles

    Set countFiles = aqFileSystem.FindFiles("C:\Temp\" , "*.zip" )

    If countFiles Is Nothing Then

      Log.Message ( "No files found" )


      For I = 0 To countFiles.Count - 1

        Log.Message( countFiles.Item( I ).Name )


    End If  

    End Sub