Forum Discussion

Manfred_F's avatar
Regular Contributor
10 years ago

file object, properties & methods

Hi, for the file object in the files collection, there is only a check method, no properties are defined. I wonder why. I'd like to Access a file's path, text (for Textfiles) and attributes t...
  • Philip_Baird's avatar
    10 years ago
    Hi Manfred, you are correct in that there is only a check() method available for a referenced file.


    In order to acheive what you require, you will need to utilise methods of the Files and aqFile objects as shown:


    function accessFiles() {

      // We have a referenced file in Files cjr_ini.

      // Test Complete only gives us Files.cjr_ini.Check();

      // Use methods on Files and aqFile to get the information wanted, e.g.

      // Get file path

      var filePath = Files.FileNameByName( "cjr_ini" );

      // Get file content

      var fileContent = aqFile.ReadWholeTextFile( filePath, aqFile.ctANSI ); 

      // Get file attributes

      var fileAttributes = aqFile.GetFileAttributes( filePath );


      Log.Message( filePath );

      Log.Message( fileContent );

      Log.Message( fileAttributes );




    Phil Baird