Object Spy & Check Object Property
My 'checkobjectproperty' test fails every time and I get error message as 'Unable to verify a value with the property check point'. I am not very sure what I am doing wrong here so your help will be much appreciated.
I have attached a screenshot of my Object Spy which clearly states that wText is 'PUPInvestorReportMainJob' which is the property value which I have set but it still fails.
Script is given below:
aqObject.CheckProperty(Aliases.TransactConsole.FormTransactConsole.PageControlTransact.TabSheetJobManager.omFormJobManager.JMPageControl.TabSheetJobs.cxJobManagerGrid.TomGridSite.TcxMaskEdit3.TcxCustomInnerTextEdit, 'wText', cmpEqual, 'PUPInvestorReportMainJob');
Please note that our system under test is designed in Delphi. Thanks
G-wagon wrote:
How would I detect whether or not the object exists before I attempt the checkpoint ?
How about....