Forum Discussion

Koushikln's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

Explict WaitTime Testcomplete 12.5



I am currently using testcomplete 12.5v for desktop automation.

I am currently trying to delay the script execution with aqUtils.Delay(milliseconds).


Please help me how to use explict delay in testcomplete v12.5?


Note: I have browsed and found that its available in later versions. But I need the same functionality to be executed in the version mentioned above.

  • Wamboo's avatar
    5 years ago

    There is no built-in dynamic object waiting function.


    What you can do is build something like this in VB. I don't know VB personally, but I'm sending you an example in JS.


    function waitForObj(obj, counter) {
      var counter = counter || 60;
      for (var i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
          if (obj.Exists == false) {
          } else {
              return true;

9 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Check documentation for .FindChildEx() and .WaitXXX() methods.


    • Koushikln's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks. But please tell me that the function you said will behave as It should wait dynamically for an object and if it appears it should be proceed.


      If Yes, please tell me, wheather this function can be used by vbscripting?

      • Wamboo's avatar
        Community Hero

        There is no built-in dynamic object waiting function.


        What you can do is build something like this in VB. I don't know VB personally, but I'm sending you an example in JS.


        function waitForObj(obj, counter) {
          var counter = counter || 60;
          for (var i = 1; i <= counter; i++) {
              if (obj.Exists == false) {
              } else {
                  return true;
  • Wamboo's avatar
    Community Hero


    What do you mean by "explict delay"? Do you want to wait dynamically for an object?

    and if it appears You want to go on?

    • Koushikln's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Yes, this is what i need it. It should wait dynamically for an object and if it appears it should be proceed.


      Please tell me, what type of function can be used for this using vbscripting?

  • mmccollum's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    If your looking for some kind of delay like seleneum in python at least you can just

    import time

    running = True

    oldtime = time.time()

    while running:

       if Condition or time.time()  - oldtime > 59: #time in seconds to wait

            running = False


    • Koushikln's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks. For me It should wait dynamically for an object and if it appears it should be proceed.


      Please tell me, what type of function can be used for this using vbscripting?