Till now i didn't get proper solution . I have followed all suggested steps and also given more delay in project property and also gave delay between two script.
I am unable to understand why i got this issue suddenly.I have developed script 15 -20 days before in mine workstation and it was working fine every day . but suddenly it is giving issue in morning when we are using 'exists ' and 'focus' related property only .some time it is not typing value in text box where it was read successfully with 'log.message d' method .Same script is working fine without any single line of code change where i didn't use that system to develop same script that was really shocking
To avoid this issue , i need to use 'IsObject' property and typing to duplicate same script where it entered blank value in text box but it is so time consuming process for me but i don't have other solution.
Please help me if you have best solution where i don't need to change existing script more.
working fine :-
'To Put Synchronization point
While not(IsObject(Sys.WaitProcess("Employees", 2000).WinFormsObject("Add employee").WinFormsObject("pnlAddemployee").WinFormsObject("Detailemployee")))
Same Issue still exist :-
While not(Sys.WaitProcess("Employees", 2000).WinFormsObject("Addemployee").WinFormsObject("pnlAddemployee").WinFormsObject("Detailemployee").Exists)
Thank you for putting effort to help me,