Forum Discussion

TestQA1's avatar
Frequent Contributor
3 years ago

Executing powershell file from Test Complete script

Hi Everyone, I have a PickupTest.ps1 which triggers the software to launch. C:\_Test\abc\AutomatedScripts\My Tests\PickupTest.ps1 The below line of code sometimes works but most times the Powershel...
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    3 years ago



    Assume that pathvar contains the 'C:\Project' value:

    your line of code

    "powershell -file \"" + pathvar + "\\My Tests\\PickupTest.ps1"

    will evaluate to

    'powershell -file "C:\Project\My Tests\PickupTest.ps1'

    which seems to be just incorrect (lack of closing double-quote -- check this in debugger)


    Does it help if you change this line of code to this:

    WshShell.Run("powershell -file \"" + pathvar + "\\My Tests\\PickupTest.ps1\"")

    (note added \" at the end of code line)