Forum Discussion

DevaV's avatar
12 years ago

Event log time differs in logs


We are reading the event log information in our application from using query in windows management service and Java script. The required event log is based on the current system time that we send through the query to fetch the details. We face a problem while fetching a event log of Windows xp and Windows-7 as the actual time the error message logs differs from the system time. Also the time difference is not same in all the machines of same configuration.

Example : Conider an error is logged in windows event log at 05.00 AM but the time logged as 02.00 AM (which can also 07.00 AM or any difference of time) in the event log. Now I was unable to decide the exact time of an error log.

We made a workaround in Windows-7 by fetching it using Record ID which is increasing for every event log but the same does not work in Windows-XP as the record id is not increasing and does not look to have a standard format.

Kindly provide us some solution to fetch the error log information of the particular time.
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