Forum Discussion

official_raghu's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Capturing milliseconds' difference between events


We are involved in performance testing of a .net application, wherein we need to find the time gap between the start and end of an event. We are using aqDateTime.Now at the start and end of the events and measuring the difference. However, there are some events which happen within the time span of a second, and we are unable to capture the time gap between the start and end. Is there a technique / provision in TestComplete to capture the time gap between events in millisecocnds? I request the pros to kindly enlighten me on this...
  • Well, I lied, I didn't search properly first :)

    The solution for VBScript looks like this

    Dim tFrom, tTo, tDif


      tFrom = Timer

      aqUtils.Delay 100

      tTo = Timer

      tDif = Int((tTo-tFrom) * 1000)

      Log.Message tDif

5 Replies

  • simon_glet's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hi Raghu,

    Have you checked out HISUtils.StopWatch ? It mesures to the millisecond.

    Ref here.

  • karkadil's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    Well, I lied, I didn't search properly first :)

    The solution for VBScript looks like this

    Dim tFrom, tTo, tDif


      tFrom = Timer

      aqUtils.Delay 100

      tTo = Timer

      tDif = Int((tTo-tFrom) * 1000)

      Log.Message tDif

  • karkadil's avatar
    Valued Contributor
    In JScript you can use the following example:

      var dateFrom = new Date();


      var dateTo = new Date();

      var dif = dateTo.getTime() - dateFrom.getTime();


    However, I haven't found anything similar in VBScript

  • official_raghu's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi Simon, Alexei, Gena,

    Many thanks for  your responses. Simon, we've found that HISUtils.StopWatch and its methods are best suited for our purposes. Thanks again for that.
