Forum Discussion

karthick7's avatar
7 years ago

Error: Member not found. While trying insert values in table variable

i m using swing table.i m getting column nd values from table and trying to save in project variables,i m facing Error: Member not found while insert particular data column name: release column value: 3.104S  (Both type is string)


kindly help me and get your kudos



  • Just now remembered, i was also having same issue later i added additional parameter as "Item" and it worked fine. 


    Try changing as like below,



12 Replies

  • I have no more finding,if we use column name as "release" we facing this issue and if we using "testrelease" we don't get any error


    shankar_r any suggestions?


    tristaanogre any recommendations?

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    The error your receiving doesn't sound familiar to me.  It actually sounds like a custom error message.  A quick search of TestComplete help documentation does not come up with that text.


    Please post your code that you're executing that's generating this message. If it's a keyword test, please include screenshots.

    • karthick7's avatar
      function fn_StoreClipBoardToTable()
           // var defaultColumnLine = 0, defaultRowLine = 1;
            var txt_clipboard = Sys.Clipboard;
            var arr_ClipBoardTxt = txt_clipboard.split("\n");
            var columnValues, rowValues,arr_ColumnValues,arr_RowValues;
            columnValues = arr_ClipBoardTxt[0];
            arr_ColumnValues = columnValues.split("\t");
            //Storing Vlaues to Project variable
            var tempValue = "";
                  Project.Variables.tbl_CopyToClipBoard.RowCount = arr_ClipBoardTxt.length-2;
                  for(var sI = 0 ; sI < arr_ColumnValues.length ; sI++)
                       var tempCol = aqString.Trim(arr_ColumnValues[sI]);
                       if(aqString.Find(tempCol,Chr(13),0,false) != -1)
                         tempCol = aqString.Replace(tempCol,Chr(13),"",false);
                  for(var cl=1;cl<arr_ClipBoardTxt.length-1;cl++)
                    rowValues = arr_ClipBoardTxt[cl];
                    arr_RowValues = rowValues.split("\t");
                    for(var sI = 0 ; sI < arr_ColumnValues.length ; sI++)
                        var tempValue = aqConvert.VarToStr(arr_RowValues[sI]);
                       if(aqString.Find(tempValue,Chr(13),0,false) != -1)
                         tempValue = aqString.Replace(tempValue,Chr(13),"",false);
                        var tempCol = aqString.Trim(arr_ColumnValues[sI]);
                       if(aqString.Find(tempCol,Chr(13),0,false) != -1)
                         tempCol = aqString.Replace(tempCol,Chr(13),"",false);
                  return true;
                 Log.Error("Error Occured:"+ ex.stack)
      • tristaanogre's avatar
        Esteemed Contributor

        On what line in that code does the error generate?  Have you tried stepping through?


        Also... what is "fn_resetVariable"?