Drop-downs Not Recognizing Value is Selected
I am not sure if this is an issue with TestComplete or the website we are testing on but I figured I would give the community a chance as I always come away with an answer.
I am currently testing a website that requires entering data into fields and going through multiple pages. The "Next" button does not enable until all required fields have been filled in with data. I am currently running a data-driven test to feed data into the site for each scenario. The site contains drop-down menus, two of which do not register on the site that a selection was made when selecting the value via the automation test. This causes the script to fail because they are required fields and the Next button doesn't enable. The other drop-down menus work just fine and the system recognizes a value was selected. I have found that if I manually click on the same value again while the test is running, it recognizes the value and enables the Next button. I cannot reproduce this with a manual test. Does anyone know what could be occurring here? It's preventing us from truly automating the testing for this website since the script requires manual intervention on the pages with these drop-downs. I have tried "rigging" the test by adding a second action on the same object with Keys([Down][Tab]) which did not work.
Hi all. I did not figure out a solution to this issue but the issue resolved itself when the developers changed the way the Next button works. The drop-downs are still causing issues but they implemented an OnClick Next Button validation that picks up on the values. Thanks for your help!