Forum Discussion

coffee's avatar
8 years ago

Select method (JS) to select something from drop-down list



In Selenium Java, we can have this code here to select something from drop-down list :


Select s = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//path_to_drop_down")));

Just wondering, if we have some similar thing in TC using JavaScript to select something from drop-down list ?


Thank You. 

  • Hi,


    > Not a Test Object from Page.QuerySelector ("CSS Selector Path") ?

    Yes, correct.

    .QuerySelector() is a native DOM method that returns native element which, obviously, does not contain TestComplete-specific .ClickItem() method.

    The reason that the call to .QuerySelector() method is possible is because TestComplete provides access to both its methods and methods that are native to the given tested application (web and/or desktop).

    .FindXXX() method provided by TestComplete returns wrapped object that provides access to all methods provided by TestComplete.


    As for the variable type - JScript is a scripting language and, as in any scripting language, its variables are OLE-compatible ones, which means that the actual type is insignificant (in most cases) and is handled internally by script runtime engine.


    And as a final note, I would suggest to use search methods provided by TestComplete and not native ones that you might got used to with Selenium because TestComplete's search functionality is more functional, flexible and cross-browser.

7 Replies

    • coffee's avatar

      Thanks shankar_r



      s.ClickItem("<index of the item> or <"Name of the item">")

      BTW, of what type is s ? 

      Can s be like this ?


      let s = Page.QuerySelector ("CSS Selector Path");
      s.ClickItem("<index of the item> or <"Name of the item">")



      MKozinets Could the documentation be elaborated a little bit maybe? With some examples?  Thanks  :smileyhappy:


      • shankar_r's avatar
        Community Hero
        Select s = new Select(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//path_to_drop_down")));

        that s is from your code only, nothing specific :)

  • I found here a solution using native JS.


    This HTML code

    <select id='mydropdown'>
      <option value='foo'>Spam</option>
      <option value='bar'>Eggs</option>


    JS solution 

    var desiredValue = "eggs"
    var el = document.getElementById("mydropdown");
    for(var i=0; i<el.options.length; i++) {
      if ( el.options[i].text == desiredValue ) {
        el.selectedIndex = i;


    For the ClickItem() , I found something here


    TestObj.ClickItem(Item, Shift)
    TestObj	A variable, parameter or expression that specifies a reference to one of the objects listed in the Applies To section
    Item	[in]   	Required   	Variant	   
    Shift	[in]   	Optional   	TShiftKey	Default value: skNoShift   
    Result	None


    function Main()
      var p, w, ListBox; 
      // Obtain list box object 
      p = Sys.Process("wordpad");
      w = p.Window("#32770", "Date and Time");
      ListBox = w.Window("ListBox", "", 1); 
      // Select the specified item

    I may be wrong, but I assume ClickItem() can only be used with Test Object from Object Browser / Name Mapping only ?  Not a Test Object from Page.QuerySelector ("CSS Selector Path") ?




    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      > Not a Test Object from Page.QuerySelector ("CSS Selector Path") ?

      Yes, correct.

      .QuerySelector() is a native DOM method that returns native element which, obviously, does not contain TestComplete-specific .ClickItem() method.

      The reason that the call to .QuerySelector() method is possible is because TestComplete provides access to both its methods and methods that are native to the given tested application (web and/or desktop).

      .FindXXX() method provided by TestComplete returns wrapped object that provides access to all methods provided by TestComplete.


      As for the variable type - JScript is a scripting language and, as in any scripting language, its variables are OLE-compatible ones, which means that the actual type is insignificant (in most cases) and is handled internally by script runtime engine.


      And as a final note, I would suggest to use search methods provided by TestComplete and not native ones that you might got used to with Selenium because TestComplete's search functionality is more functional, flexible and cross-browser.