Forum Discussion

aminsaurabh's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Drag and Drop without using cordinate system

i am currently trying to Drag an object in a Cell from one DevXtraGridcontrol to another cell on another cell in DevXtraGridcontrol. how i can implement it in Vbscript please help

Alternatively how can we find the Cordinates of a particular cell of a DevXtraGridcontro ?

  • Hi Saurabh,


    The code below identifies the coordinates of the cell and drags it. You can try creating you own Drag function based on it.



    Sub Test

      Set grid = Sys.Process("GridMainDemo").WinFormsObject("frmMain").WinFormsObject("panelControl1").WinFormsObject("gcContainer")._



      Call DragNDropCell(grid, 2, 3, 5, 2)

    End Sub


    Sub DragNDropCell(grid, sourceRow, sourceCol, destRow, destCol)

      Set source = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(sourceRow, sourceCol) 

      Set dest = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(destRow, destCol) 

      x = source.Bounds.Left + source.Bounds.Width / 2

      y = source.Bounds.Top + source.Bounds.height / 2

      dX = dest.Bounds.Left - source.Bounds.Left + dest.Bounds.Width / 2

      dY = dest.Bounds.Top - source.Bounds.Top + dest.Bounds.Height / 2


      Call grid.Drag(x, y, dX, dY)

    End Sub

2 Replies

  • function dragAndDrop(fromObject, toObject){  

      var fromX = getXPosition(fromObject);

      var fromY = getYPosition(fromObject);


      var toX = getXPosition(toObject);

      var toY = getYPosition(toObject);


      fromObject.Drag(10,10, toX-fromX, toY-fromY);



    function getXPosition(object){

      return object.WindowToScreen(10, 10).X;



    function getYPosition(object){

      return object.WindowToScreen(10, 10).Y;




  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Saurabh,


    The code below identifies the coordinates of the cell and drags it. You can try creating you own Drag function based on it.



    Sub Test

      Set grid = Sys.Process("GridMainDemo").WinFormsObject("frmMain").WinFormsObject("panelControl1").WinFormsObject("gcContainer")._



      Call DragNDropCell(grid, 2, 3, 5, 2)

    End Sub


    Sub DragNDropCell(grid, sourceRow, sourceCol, destRow, destCol)

      Set source = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(sourceRow, sourceCol) 

      Set dest = grid.MainView.ViewInfo.GetGridCellInfo_2(destRow, destCol) 

      x = source.Bounds.Left + source.Bounds.Width / 2

      y = source.Bounds.Top + source.Bounds.height / 2

      dX = dest.Bounds.Left - source.Bounds.Left + dest.Bounds.Width / 2

      dY = dest.Bounds.Top - source.Bounds.Top + dest.Bounds.Height / 2


      Call grid.Drag(x, y, dX, dY)

    End Sub