Forum Discussion

mohanakshi's avatar
13 years ago

Does TC Supports Automation on Obfuscated Products?


     We are
planning to use "dotfuscator community edition"  for Obfuscation of our Product.

Does testcomplete suports Automation on these Obfuscated

If not, Can u please suggest which Obfuscator is
supported by  TC-8.7?


Expecting more info on this,





1 Reply

  • aqAnt's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi mohanakshi,

    TestComplete does not have special support for obfuscators. You can test an obfuscated application, but it is not reliable. The application's internals (including method and property names, etc.) become scrambling due to the obfuscation, and there is no way to determine which of them to use. In this case, TestComplete addresses the application's objects as stated in the Addressing Windows, Controls and Objects of .NET Applications article:

    Note: TestComplete may be not able to obtain the class name from application’s metadata. This typically happens if the application has been processed by an obfuscator. In this case, TestComplete will replace the class name with an underscore and an index. To determine which scripting object corresponds to an object in the tested application, explore the latter in the Object Browser.

    So, it is recommended that you test your application before obfuscating its code.