12 years agoOccasional Contributor
DLL Exception 0xC0000005
I am trying out FarPoint Spread7's DLL. I tried to call a singe method:
Sub Test2
Dim fpSpread70
Dim SPR32D70EditHScroll
Set fpSpread70 = Aliases.powerchart.wndAfx.AfxFrameOrView100.Afx.Afx.ORDERPOE.COrdersUIWnd.Afx.AfxWnd100.page32770.AfxWnd100.fpTabPro3230.AfxWnd100.Afx.fpSpread70
Set Def_DLL = DLL.DefineDLL("spr32d70")
Call Def_DLL.DefineProc("SSGetData", vt_ui4, vt_int, vt_int, vt_lpstr, vt_int)
Set Lib = DLL.Load("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spr32d70.dll", "spr32d70")
Set cellData = DLL.New("LPSTR", 256)
Dim col, row, han
col = 3
row = 2
han = fpSpread70.GetUnderlyingObject.Handle
Call Lib.SSGetData(han, col, row, cellData)
End Sub
And I got:
An exception occurred: 0xC0000005; class: ; description: ''
Error location:
Unit: "DLLTest\DLLTest\Script\Unit1"
I am just beginning so I may be missing something. Any advice?