Forum Discussion

c_jones_ismail's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

DLL Exception 0xC0000005


I am trying out FarPoint Spread7's DLL.  I tried to call a singe method:


Sub Test2

  Dim fpSpread70

  Dim SPR32D70EditHScroll

  Set fpSpread70 = Aliases.powerchart.wndAfx.AfxFrameOrView100.Afx.Afx.ORDERPOE.COrdersUIWnd.Afx.AfxWnd100.page32770.AfxWnd100.fpTabPro3230.AfxWnd100.Afx.fpSpread70


  Set Def_DLL = DLL.DefineDLL("spr32d70")  


  Call Def_DLL.DefineProc("SSGetData", vt_ui4, vt_int, vt_int, vt_lpstr, vt_int)


  Set Lib = DLL.Load("C:\Windows\SysWOW64\spr32d70.dll", "spr32d70")


  Set cellData = DLL.New("LPSTR", 256)


  Dim col, row, han

  col = 3

  row = 2


  han = fpSpread70.GetUnderlyingObject.Handle


  Call Lib.SSGetData(han, col, row, cellData)


End Sub

And I got: 

An exception occurred: 0xC0000005; class: ; description: ''

Error location:

Unit: "DLLTest\DLLTest\Script\Unit1"

I am just beginning so I may be missing something.  Any advice?


7 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Ismail,


    What TestComplete version are you using? I'm aware of a similar issue in the obsolete product version. Try using the latest one - v. 9.20.


  • c_jones_ismail's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi, thanks very much for your reply.  Sorry, I forgot to mention my version is Test Complete 9.20.2460.7 on  Windows 7 SP1 64-bit.  So what do you advise?
  • c_jones_ismail's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Thanks, yes, I did verify that DLL function uses stdcall.

    I have not seen anyone else trying to pass a FarPoint spreadsheet in to that DLL, so I am still searching for answers.
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Ismail,


    Can you share this DLL with us? Maybe we will find an answer...


  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Is there anybody who has FarPoint installed on the computer? Could you please add FarPoint's spr32d70.dll to the TestComplete project and try executing Ismail's code? What is the result?