Difficulty working with Firefox in TestComplete
Hi there,
I am a very new user to TestComplete and need help getting it to work with Firefox specifically. I know this is similar to some other questions which I have read, but I'm not certain exactly what I still have incorrect. I have followed the instructions at https://support.smartbear.com/testcomplete/docs/app-testing/web/general/preparing-browsers/firefox.html to set up firefox, however the issue remains that testcomplete seemingly only recognizes firefox as one big object, and cannot interact with any smaller part of it.
Ideally, I would be able to interact with the address bar to navigate to a page and read anything on it. This can be done either keyword test or script it doesn't matter much to me, the issue right now is I don't believe either would work as long as TestComplete can't recognize anything within firefox as an object?
TestComplete is version
Firefox is version 68.12.0esr