Forum Discussion

sathish_subrama_2's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

Difference between subroutine and function in test complete

Could you please explain the Difference between subroutine and function in test complete

  • Subroutine and function have same defination, throughout all tools these can't be differenciated based on tool.

    Subroutine is a piece of reusable code that doesn't return anything to caller.

    Function is a piece of reusable code that returns something to caller.

  • gid_216's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Subroutine and function have same defination, throughout all tools these can't be differenciated based on tool.

    Subroutine is a piece of reusable code that doesn't return anything to caller.

    Function is a piece of reusable code that returns something to caller.

  • gid_216's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Function can return any thing like Variant, Array, Object etc. If the function returns an object, as caller end function is assinged to a variable using Set.


    If Function F1 retuns an object.

    Function F2

    Set var1=F1(Arg List)

    End Function
  • sastowe's avatar
    Super Contributor
    VBScript example

    Sub DoIt

      set btn = ...VBObject("cmdSave")


    End Sub

    Clicks a button

    sPadMyString = LeftPad("a", "1", 3)

    Function LeftPad(sValuetoPad, sPadChar, iPadLength)




      LeftPad = string(iPadLength - Len(sValuetoPad),sPadChar) & sValuetoPad




    End function 'LeftPad