We are upgrading to DevExpress 15 (from 14) and experiencing difficulties with using XPath and radio controls. Specifically, once the control is found there doesn't appear to be a click event. I see...
I have determined the height and width are 0 in DevExpress 15 while they were 1 in DevExpress 14. I'm checking with the developers to see if they can explicitly set the values to 1.
you are getting all input elements with id=SiteAcces<Number>_<Number>_S.
However, according to your screenshot, your page displays this element by using the span tag. So, I suggest that you change input with span in your test:
I noticed also the control type changed from input to span. However, if I change it to span the 'Click' event is still not found.. I've also tried changed setting the 'page' variable to "Sys.Browser().Page("*")" to confirm the 'page' variable was set properly and it was.
function SelectSiteAccess() {
// retrieves reference to browser
var page = Sys.Browser().Page("*").Panel("primaryWrapper").Section("primaryContent").Frame("t_cmwebtest_employee_gridproperties_content").Section("actionWrapper").Section("actionContent").Panel(0).Table("splResizing").Cell(0, 2).Panel("splResizing_1_CC").Form("mainForm").Panel("pnlGridPropertiesCallback").Panel("partialProperties").Panel("partialProperties_CC").Panel("partialProperties_C11").Panel(0).Article(0).Panel(0);
if (Project.Variables.Employees.Value("SiteAccess") == null) { return; }
// retrieves value from 'SiteAccess' column in spreadsheet
var SiteAccess = Project.Variables.Employees.Value("SiteAccess").split(",");
var AccessType = Project.Variables.Employees.Value("AccessType").split(",");
// iterates through array of Site Access(s) and selects
for (var i = 0; i < SiteAccess.length; i++) {
var obj;
if (0 == aqString.Compare(Sys.Browser().Page("*").Parent.ProcessName, "chrome", false))
obj = page.FindChildByXPath("//table[@id='tlEmployeeSiteAccess']//input[@id='SiteAccess" + AccessType[i] + "_" + SiteAccess[i] + "_S']", true);
obj = page.FindChildByXPath("//table[@id='tlEmployeeSiteAccess']//span[@id='SiteAccess" + AccessType[i] + "_" + SiteAccess[i] + "_S_D']", true);
if (obj != null) {
//Log.Picture (obj.Picture(), "image");
// clicks radio button
try {
} catch (e) {
Log.Error("Error clicking item!");
else {
Log.Error("Could not locate Access '" + AccessType[i] + "'" + " for Site '" + SiteAccess[i] + "'");
Here's the value of 'obj' after setting obj.
The specific error is:
The window size is (0, 0); the screen rectangle: the left top corner is (1169, 564), the right bottom corner is (1169, 564).
Tested object:
Sys.Browser("chrome").Page("http://localhost/CMWebTest/Go/?p=/CMWebTest/employee/gridproperties").Panel("primaryWrapper").Section("primaryContent").Frame("t_cmwebtest_employee_gridproperties_content").Section("actionWrapper").Section("actionContent").Panel(0).Table("splResizing").Cell(0, 2).Panel("splResizing_1_CC").Form("mainForm").Panel("pnlGridPropertiesCallback").Panel("partialProperties").Panel("partialProperties_CC").Panel("partialProperties_C11").Panel(0).Article(0).Panel(0).Table("tlEmployeeSiteAccess").Cell(0, 0).Table("tlEmployeeSiteAccess_D").Cell(10, 4).Table("SiteAccessPrimary_tstsite_4_ET").Cell(0, 1).Textbox("SiteAccessPrimary_tstsite_4_S")