Forum Discussion

aa1's avatar
5 years ago

Deleting folders does not work

Hi, I am trying to delete a folder from my local directory. The following piece of code seems to run for the first two or one folders and then it crashes. I cannot seem to  understand what is wrong. Can any one point out what is wrong?


   var foldersToDelete,aFolder;    
    foldersToDelete = aqFileSystem.FindFolders(filePath,"*_files"); 
    if (foldersToDelete.Count > 0)
      while (foldersToDelete.HasNext())
        aFolder = foldersToDelete.Next();
        Log.Message("Deleted Folder: " + aFolder.Path);
      Log.Message("No folders found to delete");    

It fails at this line if (foldersToDelete.Count > 0). The error I get is this: JScript runtime error. Object required.


Thank you in advance.


  • I think the problem is that if FindFolders doesn't find anything, it doesn't return a collection at all but a "null" value.  The code you shold use is, instead of  


     if (foldersToDelete.Count > 0)

    replace with 


    if (foldersToDelete != null)
  • AlexKaras's avatar
    5 years ago



    I think Robert is correct. .Count is not a property of the result returned by .FindFolders() method. Refer to the code sample provided in the documentation for this method.


5 Replies

  • tristaanogre's avatar
    Esteemed Contributor

    I think the problem is that if FindFolders doesn't find anything, it doesn't return a collection at all but a "null" value.  The code you shold use is, instead of  


     if (foldersToDelete.Count > 0)

    replace with 


    if (foldersToDelete != null)
    • AlexKaras's avatar
      Champion Level 3



      I think Robert is correct. .Count is not a property of the result returned by .FindFolders() method. Refer to the code sample provided in the documentation for this method.


    • aa1's avatar

      Thank you so much. It worked. I had tried  if (!strictEqual(foundFolders, null)) and it did not work somehow but hadn't tried using

      if (foldersToDelete != null)



      • AlexKaras's avatar
        Champion Level 3



        strictEqual() should work for JavaScript, while check for null should be used for JScript.

        Does this correspond to your situation?