Forum Discussion

completeintern's avatar
Occasional Contributor
10 years ago

DBTable variable from a DBTable

Hi all,


I have tests that need multiple CSV files each.


All the tests follow the same steps. So it'd be great if I could just have one keyword test execute all these similar tests. What I've been trying to do is to store these CSV files into a master CSV file that would be accessed through a data-driven loop, that way to perform more tests all I'd have to do is to add more rows to the master CSV


Example : Navigation is the column title under which is the path to a DBTable, stored within DBTable Master_CFG


What I tried to do is : Set variable value Var1 with value Variables.Master_cfg("Navigation")

With var of type DBTable


The cell under Navigation looks like {CSV file. "..\path\Nav.csv"}

What I get is a type mismatch :(


Any idea of how I could get this to work?



  • Thank you but I ended up creating a script to create a table from the path of a CSV file passed as an argument dynamically

    I used the DDT.CSVDriver methods and it works great :)


    Couldn't find a way to do that through the UI though.



5 Replies

  • m_essaid's avatar
    Valued Contributor


    To call your row you should use the following syntax no ?




    Which script are you using ?

    • completeintern's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      I'm using JScript (but mainly I'm using the UI)


      But you're right when I export the steps to script I get the following : 


       Project.Variables.Var1 = Project.Variables.Master_cfg.Value("Navigation");


      With Var1 a DBTable, and the value stored under Navigation a CSV file


      I get a type mismatch :(



      • NisHera's avatar
        Valued Contributor

        What is exact value in file.

        what is the type of Var1 ?

        Are those same?

  • completeintern's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Thank you but I ended up creating a script to create a table from the path of a CSV file passed as an argument dynamically

    I used the DDT.CSVDriver methods and it works great :)


    Couldn't find a way to do that through the UI though.