CTF Loader
Most of us must run our test nightly. I have personnaly several machines running on Win 10 Pro, and updated to last version (1909).
My tests are very common in the way that they simulate keystrokes and mouse clicks on an accounting program.
An annoying thing is that I have a process, CTF Loader (ctfmon.exe) that takes more and more size all along the nights and reaches up to 1,5Gb (!!!) in memory, leading the machine to crash due of lack of memory.
The only solution for me is to kill periodicaly this process or reboot the machines.
if I try to disable Touch Keyboard and Handwriting Panel Service, the same problem still occurs in another process name : Host Process for Windows Tasks, which still runs MsCTFMonitor.
Any hint please ?
Thank you,
Process filter has to do with processes that show up in Windows. Basically, if you go to Task manager and look at the list of processes, whatever process name shows there, that's how you filter the process. So, my guess is that CTFMon is calling the DLL... so, to exclude the DLL, you need to filter out CTFMonitor
Finaly I found a solution : I ask TC to close the process before the tests. I had to adapt slightly the following method which closes a process :
procedure KillProcessus(NomProcessus: string); var p, IsClosed; begin p := Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', NomProcessus); while (p.Exists) do begin p.Close; IsClosed:= p.WaitProperty('Exists', False); if not IsClosed then p.Terminate; p:= Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', NomProcessus); end; end;
This procedure don't work because there is no window for this process. So I used this one which work pretty fine :
procedure KillProcessusCTFMon(NomProcessus: string); var p, IsClosed; begin p := Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', NomProcessus); while (p.Exists) do begin p.Terminate; p:= Sys.FindChild('ProcessName', NomProcessus); end; end;