Forum Discussion

jsc's avatar
Regular Contributor
11 years ago

create a passed checkpoint from script

Hi all,

can I somehow create a passed checkpoint from scripts?

Currently my code looks like this:

 if (averageOpenTime > allowedTime)

    Log.Error(some text);


    Log.Message(some text);

Is it somehow possible to create a passed checkpoint (instead of the Log.Message entry) that will be shown as a green passed checkpoint in the keyword tests?


Best regards,


  • Hi Joachim.

    Have you tried Log.Checkpoint() instead of Log.Message() in your script?

9 Replies

  • Hi Joachim.

    Have you tried Log.Checkpoint() instead of Log.Message() in your script?

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Joachim,

    According to my knowledge, there is no checkpoint to compare two variables, but I would love if SmartBear adds such type of checkpoint to be able to have a consistently looking log where all evidences of passed/failed verifications have a unified view of passed/failed checkpoints.
  • jsc's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Yes, this would be great.

    Is there some feature-request-overview where I can vote for this or suggest this?
  • jsc's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hey Andrey,

    this is great, I did not know Log.Checkpoint, just knew (Warning, Error, Message (as shown in keyword tests).

    But the idea of an extra variable checkpoint is still great. So I would not have to code a if then else but just call Log.Checkpoint(var1, var2).

    Best regards,

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi  Guys,


    I have registered a suggestion to implement the Variable Checkpoint in our DB, and added 2 votes to it.



    At the moment, you can use Andrey's suggestion.


  • jsc's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    Hey Tanya,

    I just registered a idea proposal as well.

    Could you delete this duplicate?

    Best regars,

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Joachim,


    I've asked people from Customer Care to close the case.