Forum Discussion

juliocesar_nec's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Conversion of values

Hello people!

Sorry for the weak English, because I'm using google translator.

Well, I have an issue that is hard to solve.

In my tests, I have a variable that needs to be in the xxxx, xx format. But I can not do it, it is formatted like this:


vVlrTotal: = (StrToCurr (vVlricial) + (vVlrUtiliz));


When I perform this procedure, the variables are given the value:

vVrinmental = 6032,25

vVlrUtiliz = 100,00

However the value of vVlrTotal is unconfigured, thus:

R $ 6.132,25


How can I address this issue? Someone help me? I need it to stay:


  • Hi,


    Does it work if you omit conversion to currency and change

    StrToCurr (vVlricial) + (vVlrUtiliz)

    to just

    vVlricial + vVlrUtiliz



    Obtained result can be additionally formatted using aqString.Format() if needed.

1 Reply

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3



    Does it work if you omit conversion to currency and change

    StrToCurr (vVlricial) + (vVlrUtiliz)

    to just

    vVlricial + vVlrUtiliz



    Obtained result can be additionally formatted using aqString.Format() if needed.