Forum Discussion

subin_pb_1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

Continue the same test on any failure

I am a QTP user, now trying to automate an application using TestComplete. I found TestComplete to be a very good tool, however I am finding it difficult to understand the recovery scenarios.

I am following a driver script approach. Lets say I have to run a same script for 100 data records from an excel file.

Each record sets about 50 values of screen. If the setting of value on 1st item fails for DataRecord1, the script should stop the current iteration and then execute the same driver script, for DataRecord2. 

For this purpose, I have a g_iCurrentDataRecord as a global variable. I could increment it to 1 using the event handler, and able to call the same driver script again from the event handler. However, when the driver script executes again from the event handler, if there is any error, the script execution stops completely. How do i handle this in testcomplete?

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