8 years agoFrequent Contributor
Comparing a picture to the updaloed picture in the site
I have a requirement where i have picture in my regions, can u pls give code to compared 2 images, one image is at regions and other is present in a website.i wrote this code but its not working
Set actualPicOnScreen = NameMapping.Sys.Process("dllhost").Window("Photo_Lightweight_Viewer", "Chrysanthemum.jpg - Windows Photo Viewer", 1).Window("Photos_PhotoCanvas", "", 1).Picture 'capture yourMappedObj's image
' Comparing the images using the Compare method
If strbool Then
Log.Picture imageOnDisk, "Expected Image"
Log.Picture actualPicOnScreen, "Actual Image"
Log.Error "The compared images are not identical"
End If