Forum Discussion

nastester's avatar
Regular Contributor
11 months ago

Common script across all projects in a suite

I know I can add an existing item from one project to another within a suite but I am looking for a way to share a common script across projects and have it work without needing the objects in the Name Mapping. 

I guess what I am asking is, is there a way to have a script, such as a login script, that doesn't use the Name Mapping repository so that it can be shared across projects within a suite and I don't have to merge the Name Mapping files? Can I define the objects within the script so it can use them directly?  

Maybe I am missing something but I don't see how to do this

  • Here's an example,

    Function TestIt() in Common, is using the full path, not name mapping, to identify the Input Button. I'm then calling TestIt() from Unit1 in TestProject1. I have imported Common into TestProject1, so that I can use the functions.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Here's an example,

    Function TestIt() in Common, is using the full path, not name mapping, to identify the Input Button. I'm then calling TestIt() from Unit1 in TestProject1. I have imported Common into TestProject1, so that I can use the functions.