Common script across all projects in a suite
I know I can add an existing item from one project to another within a suite but I am looking for a way to share a common script across projects and have it work without needing the objects in the Name Mapping.
I guess what I am asking is, is there a way to have a script, such as a login script, that doesn't use the Name Mapping repository so that it can be shared across projects within a suite and I don't have to merge the Name Mapping files? Can I define the objects within the script so it can use them directly?
Maybe I am missing something but I don't see how to do this
Here's an example,
Function TestIt() in Common, is using the full path, not name mapping, to identify the Input Button. I'm then calling TestIt() from Unit1 in TestProject1. I have imported Common into TestProject1, so that I can use the functions.