11 years agoOccasional Contributor
Can't finding TD's DIV using EvaluateXPath Method.
My scenario is like this..
I am trying to use EvaluateXPath method to find the "STATUS" if page contains "requiredText"
Here is my XPath..
var obj = page.EvaluateXPath("//*[contains(text(), '" + text+ "')]/../../td[4]/div");
if ( obj !== null && obj !== undefined ) {
var status = obj[0].innerText;
When i run the script it gives me below error...
'0.innerText' is null or not an object
Any idea what might possible be gone wrong or how can i my expected resut?
Thanks in advance for you help.
- You need to convert the EvaluateXPath result to a JScript-compatible array (this is mentioned in the EvaluateXPath method description):
var obj = page.EvaluateXPath(...);
if (obj != null) {
obj = obj.toArray();
Or, you can use FindChildByXPath instead - it returns a single object instead of an array.