Forum Discussion

leon_jin's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Can TestComplete be executed on backend?

In order to avoid physical machine occupied, we want TestComplete can be executed on backend. That means, we can use mouse or keyboard do other operations while TestComplete is executing automated case on one machine. Are some configurations needed to make it happed in TestComplete?

2 Replies

  • AlexKaras's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Hi Leon,

    I am not sure I got what you'd like to achieve, but maybe the following will help:

    -- TestComplete can operate only on the machine where it is installed;

    -- TestComplete can operate unattended if it does not need to interact with the UI. Otherwise, see the help topic;

    -- You can use TestComplete installed on the remote box via Remote Desktop. See for more details;

    -- While TestComplete can perform coordinate-based clicks over the Remote Desktop window, the window itself is just an image. Thus, it does not provide any info about applications running on the remote computer and thus only image-based search is possible within this window.
  • murugans1011's avatar
    Regular Contributor
    try the 'ignore overlapping window' option under project properties. this might be helpful