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acd2311's avatar
Occasional Contributor
12 years ago

C++ application serious issue with Auto-wait timeout


Need a serious help!

I am automating application developed in C++. Test Complete is performing every action after time mentioned in ' Auto-wait timeout '. 

e.g. If Auto-wait timeout is 30000 then TestComplete is taking 30000ms to perform any action ClickItem, SetText, ClickButton.

If I change the value to 1000, then every action is getting performed after 1 sec but if for any reason object is not getting identified within 1 sec, then test execution is getting stopped. 

Please advise if I am missing any test settings.

If anyone has observed such issue with applications, please share what are the possible workarounds to fix this.

Note: I am not facing this issue with .NET application.

4 Replies

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Annie,

    According to the "Project Properties - Playback Options" article:
    Auto-wait timeout is the number of milliseconds allowed for the object to become available, or for the desired change to occur, before a timeout error message is posted to the test log. If the object becomes available or the desired change occurs within the delay allowed, the test proceeds immediately.

    So, TestComplete should continue executing the test if the object appears earlier than in 30 sec. What TestComplete version are you using? As far as I understand, you observe this behavior only when testing C++ apps, right?
  • acd2311's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    I am using TestComplete 9.1

    Yes, this issue is with c++ application only.  When I am dealing with other apps I am changing Auto-wait timeout to 30000 in the code by Options.Run.Timeout = 30000

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    Hi Annie,


    I suggest that you update to TestComplete 9.20 (the latest product version) to check whether the problem persists.

    If it does, could you please refer to the TestComplete Support team as some investigation might be required?