13 years agoContributor
Sub Test
Dim url, page, props, values, link
url = "http://smartbear.com/"
' Launch Internet Explorer if it is not running
If Not Sys.WaitBrowser("iexplore", 10000).Exists Then
Browsers.Item(btIExplorer).Run url --------------------------> From which version onwards this line of code is valid.
I am using 8.60.66, Enterprise edition. but this line troughs an error.
Browsers.Item(btIExplorer).Navigate url
End If
Set page = Sys.Browser("*").Page(url)
' Specify the sought-for properties and values
props = Array("tagName", "contentText")
values = Array("a", "Products")
' Find an object that corresponds to the specified criteria
Set link = page.FindChild(props, values, 10)
End Sub