Forum Discussion

heidi_n's avatar
Regular Contributor
9 years ago

Browser & TC10 Very Slow During Recording

I am creating a test where I go to a web page in Chrome 44, navigate around, then close the browser. When I record, TC10 runs very slow. Many times, it just hangs/crashes and I have to kill it throug...
  • Colin_McCrae's avatar
    9 years ago

    First thing to try is disable unused plugins. TestComplete switches them all on by default.


    Switch them all off and just enable the ones you need (from memory, a web based test is unlikely to need more than half a dozen). If you're not sure which ones you need (most are obvious), just switch on the ones you think you need, then try running it. If it doesn't run, re-examine the ones you need switched on. But, as I say, 5 or 6 is usually enough for a web test unless your site is built from something crazy ....