Forum Discussion

sumith_kmenon's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Automate Windows based application through Citrix


My Windows application 'X'' is installed in Citrix Server - machine A.  Test Complete is installed in machine B.

By logging into mchine B ,I tried to automate my windows application 'X' accessing through CITRIX.

1)  My first issue is Test Complete is not identifying the UserName and Password  as text boxes. It identifies the object as 'wndTransparentWindowsClient' only. Uses only X,Y co ordinates to identify and Input/Click etc

  'Enters 'user1' in the 'wndTransparentWindowsClient' object.

  Call Aliases.wfica32.wndTransparentWindowsClient.Keys("user1")

  'Clicks at point (421, 171) of the 'wndTransparentWindowsClient' object.

  Call Aliases.wfica32.wndTransparentWindowsClient.Keys("Password@123")

  'Clicks at point (429, 204) of the 'wndTransparentWindowsClient' object.

  Call Aliases.wfica32.wndTransparentWindowsClient.Click(429, 204)

  'Clicks at point (51, 33) of the 'wndTransparentWindowsClient2' object.

  Call Aliases.wfica32.wndTransparentWindowsClient2.Click(51, 33)

2)  While executing the script Test Complete is not inputing the User Name and Password Value

Please help me.

Is it impossible to script/execute an application through citrix using Test Complete Tool?

  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Smith,


    As far as I understand, right now, you are recording TestComplete tests over the Citrix window. That's why objects of your app aren't recognized.

    TestComplete and the tested application must be installed on one computer. Only in this case you will be able to record reliable tests and execute them.


  • Hi Tanya,

    An Interesting topic from Smith I would like to enlarge to applications tested not only through Citrix Server but also Receiver (Delivered by Citrix Xenapp)

    Several applications in the company I work are only accessible through Citrix Receiver. Therefore there is a need to ensure those applications work through the Receiver.

    I have tried it, and TC does not manage to detect objects provided by those applications. It only sees the application as one object (class: Transparent Windows CLient).

    Is there a way to tell TC to find all objects displayed through Citrix Receiver?

    Otherwise Is that possible to install TC on Xenapp server so it can test all applications available through Citrix Receiver? How to do so? The Citrix Receiver displays to the users a simplify desktop with shortcuts to applications. Each application is opened separately as a virtual application. 

    I have been told that if Citrix Receiver can be started, and the tested application works on the server side, then the tested application shall work through Citrix Receiver. To me this is quick conclusion which does not satisfying me.

    Then what is the best solution to test through Citrix Receiver? Use a sniffer between the Citrix Client and the Server to catch the event sent by the Client to the Server?

    Thank you for your help.

    Best regards

    Thomas Brossamain
  • TanyaYatskovska's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hi Thomas,


    The Citrix Receiver screen is a usual VM screen. It's just a picture on the PC that connects to the VM. No onscreen objects will exist on the PC side. So, if you run TestComplete on the PC, it will not recognize any onscreen elements on the VM screen.


    If you manage to install TestComplete on the same machine where the tested application is launched, TestComplete will recognize all onscreen objects.


  • Hi Tanya,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I attached a screenshot of what the user perceives via Citrix Receiver. This is an example of applications available. There are many other which are business related (CRM, SAP tool...etc)

    Is that possible to install TestComplete the same way as shown in this picture (like a shortcut) ?

    Citrix Receiver uses XenApp simplified desktop (not a full virtualized Windows Desktop). So there is a limitation here.

    Is that possible to start up TestComplete as a virtual application and run the tests which interact with the virtual applications presented on the simplified desktop?

    It seems to me that TestComplete can only be installed on a full virtualized Desktop provided by Citrix.

    (I can t manage to upload an image in IE)

    Best regards

    Thomas Brossamain