Attempt to perform an action on a zero-sized window
I'm having some difficulty in getting a keyword test to interact with a menu item in a web page.
I'm trying to click the object to Logout of the application at the end of a test but it's not able to be found. Yet, it's visible when the test is running, there are no windows overlapping etc and it isn't inside a sub menu of any kind. I've run through this page to try and isolate a cause but none found :
I've tried numerous ways to get this to work including, re-recording the click action, adding a checkpoint in before hand on the object (this has worked for me prev), I've also tried using different operations like Call Object Method & If Object but I'm out of ideas.
Additional info from the log is here:
The window size is (0, 0); the screen rectangle: the left top corner is (0, 66), the right bottom corner is (0, 66).
Tested object:
Any help would be really appreciated.