I'm not familiar with that particular table type. However, I've had to deal with a bunch of others that aren't supported by TC (e.g. Stingray). A lot of the time I'm able to select the contents with some combination of keystrokes and mouse clicks. After that I copy them to the clipboard and validate either using functions in a script or a clipboard checkpoint. If you can't get the contents selected and on the clipboard, then obviously that approach won't help.
In VBScript I might:
1) Click on the top left corner of the grid.
2) Use Keys("^![End]") to get everything selected.
3) Use Keys("^c") to get it on the clipboard.
4) Set variables equal to the string on the clipboard and my expected text
5) Verify the results:
If (aqString.StrMatches(txtExpected, txtActual) = True) Then
Call Log.Checkpoint("The clipboard checkpoint succeeded.")
Call Log.Error("Clipboard checkpoint failed")
End If
Might, or might not, work in your case. Good luck!