Forum Discussion

nagavineela's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

AQTime Integration with TestComplete - Test execution is not progressing after integration


  We are trying to integrate testcomplete with Aqtime to get the coverage results. We have made the configuration change in the Tested apps editor of te testcomplete project to use AQtime 8 version and have also specified the AQtime  project path to be used. Once the testexecute is  launched using Jenkins plugin, in the system  it first opens testexecute , then Aqtime project and then the tested application. Then it starts executing the tests. But the test execution doesnt get completed and we are also not able to get the profiling results of tests that got executed till then.


Kindly note that the tests designed in testcomplete launches the tested application for every testcase. Please help us on this issue.


Thanks and Regards,


1 Reply

  • Kitt's avatar
    Regular Contributor

    I would think a possible reason (assuming the coverage results are not posted until after the test run) would be because you are launching and closing the tested app in every test case. 


    (by default, this also terminates profiling in AQtime). To wait for profiling to finish and to export profiling results, you can use the AQtime.WaitAndExportResults method



    Something you can try is to create a [OnStopTestCase event] handler to close the tested app then post the results to the log using the recommended method:



    function EventControls_OnStopTestCase(Sender, StopTestCaseParams)
      // Close app & wait until AQtime finishes profiling, then export the results
      AQtimeObj.WaitAndExportResults("C:\\SummaryResultsFile.xml", "C:\\ResultsFile.xml");