Forum Discussion

Egg's avatar
Frequent Contributor
4 years ago


Hellow, I wonder about code expression. 

I want to receive the today Date text using ' . '(dot) form like '2021. 8. 30.' 


So I tried Set variable Value and receive the today date using aqDateTime.Today() code expression. 

but that method use ' - ' form. (2021-08-30)


how can i change ' - ' to ' . '  ? 



8 Replies

    • Egg's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Thank you. .....

      But I don't know how I use  'aqDateTime.Today' with 'aqString.Replace'.

      1. I wanna input text 'today's date(year, month, day) 

      2. so I used aqDateTime.Today() code expression

      3. So i got '2021-08-31' text

      4. But What I need form is '2021. 8. 31' form. 

      5. So I must use the 'aqString.Replace()'

      6. But I don't know how I arrage or use this code expression... 

      Please give me solutions............ 



      • Marsha_R's avatar
        You got close! Put aqReplace on the outside and use aqDateTime.Today() as the string input.