ADO Connection Rows Affected by Stored Procedure
I have a script in JScript where I run a stored procedure on a test database, but I want to be able to print the rows affected messages from SQL into the log after running.
I have tried a few different methods to obtain the rows affected text, but I have not been able to make any work properly.
This is how i established my connection
var SprocName = spName
var dbname = '888800';
var RowCount;
var connectionstring = ADO["CreateADOConnection"]();
connectionstring["ConnectionString"] = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=DB;Data Source=DBServer";
connectionstring["LoginPrompt"] = false;
var Cmd = ADO.CreateADOCommand();
Cmd.ConnectionString = connectionstring["ConnectionString"];
Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
Cmd.CommandText = SprocName;
var oParmSP = Cmd["Parameters"]["CreateParameter"]("intappid", ftString, adParamInput, "10", dbname);
var RecSet;
var Roweffect;
var RecordsAffected;
var params = new Array();
var result = OutParameterWrapper.CallObjectMethod(Cmd, "Execute", params).toArray();
I am using the OutParameterWrapper script extension mentioned in an earlier thread which posed a similar question a few years ago. I think where I am stuck is actually getting the Command to execute properly from the CallObjectMethod and setting it up so that I actually get the rows affected value.
It has been difficult to find actual coding examples of finding the information I need or setting up the execute call properly. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.