ADO Connection is not working
While trying to connect to Ingress Database through Test Complete, Connection is not happening.
set Conn =ADO.CreateADOConnection()
set Rec = ADO.CreateRecordset
Conn.ConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL;DRIVER=Ingres II Read Only;Data Source=LMK2 AUTO;SERVERTYPE=INGRES;Database=itvtestauto;User ID=itvsql;Pwd=W1llows"
Conn.LoginPrompt = False
log.message Conn.Connected
set Rec = Conn.Execute_("select * from sare")
log.Message Rec.rowCount
Conn.Connected returns False and whatever query we run using this connection is not executed. Could you please help us in this scenario.
> Test complete version is 12.42. Machine is 64-bit machine.
32-bit and 64-bit flavors of TestComplete are installed on 64-bit OSes.
Help|About window in TestComplete will show you the current bitness.
32-bit flavor of TestComplete can be found in <TestComplete>\bin\ folder while 64-bit flavor lives in the <TestComplete>\x64\bin\ one.
> 32-bit driver(C:\Windows\SysWOW64)
This means that you *must* use 32-bit TestComplete.
The same commands worked when I executed the script in 32-bit test complete. Thanks a lot :)