Forum Discussion

steven_yetter's avatar
2 years ago

Admin rights required to run Test Complete at the command prompt

When I run TestComplete from the Windows desktop using "Type here to search" on Windows 10 and select TestComplete 15 App, TestComplete comes up and runs.  


But when I run TestComplete from the command line with "C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\TestComplete 15\x64\Bin\TestComplete.exe" "C:\Workspace\tc-work\Project\1_day_Regression Testing_Admin.pjs" /run, Windows asks if I want to allow the app to make changes to my system and asks for Admin user name and password.   


Any idea why?   


Note: I also need to use full path on Test Complete because the path loads the 32-bit version of Test Complete instead.  Why does 64-bit Test Complete install to Program Files (x86)?  instead of \Program  Files like most 64-bit programs do?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    See Working With TestComplete Under User Accounts. Personally, I like to disable Windows User Account Control, as I don't like to be asked everytime I open an application and be prompted!


    Search the internet for "windows program files x86" and you'll get the answer you need.


    If you want TC x64 to be launched at the command prompt, then you need to adjust your Windows Path environment variable.



    • steven_yetter's avatar

      I also (like most of the world) like to disable Windows User Account Control, but unfortunately, I.T. controls our desktops and won't allow it.   Are you saying that changing the path fixes this?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    "Note: I also need to use full path on Test Complete because the path loads the 32-bit version of Test Complete instead."Changing the Path environment variable (to point to your x64 folder),

    will launch TC x64 when you type in "testcomplete" at the command prompt.


    "Windows asks if I want to allow the app to make changes to my system and asks for Admin user name and password" - Windows UAC needs to be disabled.

  • So, I followed Working with Test Complete under user accounts, and it doesn't seem relevant.  I am the same person who installed TestComplete.  Did you see the first line in my post?  It says that when I run the app in the usual way from the Start menu, it works fine I don't get a UAC request.  I only get the request from the command line.  On the command line, I get admin request whether I say "TestComplete.exe" or "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." with the full path.  I also searched on "Windows Program Files (x86)".   so far I only see basic explanations of the x86 folder, nothing about permissions.   Is that what you meant?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Maybe I didn't fully understand the question. Anyway, what you have described is all relating the Windows Security i.e. UAC.


    You can launch applications from your Desktop, and you may be prompted by UAC. However, UAC doesn't seem to like when you launch an application from another application i.e. Command Prompt.

    • steven_yetter's avatar

      you mean "From your Desktop, you may NOT be prompted"  I think.


      Why is it only TestComplete, and not my other apps?

      • steven_yetter's avatar

        I think I am beginning to understand.  A lot of my other apps are under %appdata% which means they are installed under c:\users\myid.  When I run them at the command prompt, they get loaded from there so there is no issue with UAC.  The other apps I use under Program files I don't often run from the command prompt if ever.  I am going to see if I can find other apps with the same behavior.

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Depends on your UAC settings.


    I don't have an answer for that ðŸ˜¶

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    I'm not sure how your system is setup, but the %AppData% folder in Windows is usually hidden folder located in C:\Users\<username>\AppData, which contains user settings for applications (runtime state, app settings, user preferences, reference content and other settings).


    Applications are usually installed in C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86) folder depending on the application.

    • steven_yetter's avatar

      Yes. I know.  But some apps install in AppData too.  More often with open source apps.  Python, Pycharm and Git are 3 examples.

      • steven_yetter's avatar

        Just a tip, as far as being hidden, you can go to it easily with %appdata% in type here search next to Start.