Forum Discussion

emredurak's avatar
Occasional Contributor
2 years ago

About Locating An Element in Destkop App

I am trying to create test scenarios for a destkop application. I am using recording option in test complete. But When I get record and after record When I run the test, It is skipping one place in the scenarion. For example I am sending keyword to 4 places in the app. But When I run the test It is skipping the first step and not sending key to there. I did not understand why. What should I do now Do you have any advise for me?

  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Are you able to provided a screenshot of your recorded tests? 


    Without any error messages, it will be difficult to diagnose.



    • emredurak's avatar
      Occasional Contributor
      For Example in this scenario There is not any error message. but as you see

      Normally in expected scenario there should be a keyword entry but in actual
      there is no. ANd there is no error message. I could not handle this.

      [image: image.png]
  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Is there an error message for the first step that is failing?

    • emredurak's avatar
      Occasional Contributor
      Is there any advice for me here. What can you say about this
    • emredurak's avatar
      Occasional Contributor
      The problem is actually I am recording the scenario for example Test
      Complete is not able to find the element in the app.

      While It can find some elements It can not find the others.

      Test is failing because of that.

      What Can I do?
  • rraghvani's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    Check that your application is supported via Supported Technologies and Applications


    I understand that there is an issue, but it's difficult to give any advice when you have not provided any screenshots, code etc. I have no idea if your application is C#, Borland, Java etc.