Forum Discussion

sonya_m's avatar
SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

July 2021 | TestComplete Community News

Hello TestComplete Community!

At the beginning of each month, we post the most exciting things about the TestComplete Community and the tool itself. Let’s see what June has brought us!


inside Testcomplete

We’re continuing our series of interviews with the TestComplete Team members. This time, we spoke with TestComplete Developers Team Lead, Stanislav Egorov (SEgorov).


Stas has been part of TestComplete development for many years and helped build a substantial part of the tool’s functionality.


Check out our interview. If you like the video, don’t forget to give it Kudos and leave comments!




Find more Inside TestComplete interviews under TestCompleteTeam tag.



The first half of 2021 is over, and it’s been a productive time for the TestComplete Community for sure. It’s time to announce the quarterly Community Leaders!


For the past quarter, these community members have been the most helpful and knowledgeable in TestComplete: Marsha_R  AlexKaras 


For ReadyAPI and SoapUI OS: @nmrao, @richie, @HimanshuTayal

For Zephyr Scale: @MisterB


Congrats, folks! Your dedication to the SmartBear Community is amazing! Each of you will get a $50 gift card as a token of appreciation from SmartBear.


A note for those who haven’t discovered our Leaders program yet: any SmartBear Community members can become a quarterly Leader. All you need to do is to be active on the forums – participate in discussions and help others!


Being a Community Leader has a lot of benefits, which you can learn more about from this article: 3 Simple Steps to Become a TestComplete Community Leader


smartbear academy

The SmartBear Academy has a plethora of great free learning courses for TestComplete. Completing them is a great way to learn the tool from scratch, master your skills of testing with TestComplete, and get certified!


Each SmartBear Community member who earns a certificate in the Academy gets special recognition in the Community – a unique Academy Certified badge. Let’s congratulate everyone who passed the exams for TestComplete courses last month:

Hassan_Ballan, AdrianDSV, osmarfer, Larry_M, OfficeApps, AnushaDesam, jfmol54, alijahluis, mramirezb, otomazeli, ArunReddiar, SiwarSayahiawesomeme 


Great job, everyone! Don’t forget to share your certificates on LinkedIn and Twitter with a #SmartBear hashtag to show off your achievement!


product updates

We had not only one, but two updates for TestComplete this month! Version 14.90 in June, and version 14.91 just came out. Among the biggest enhancements for the two releases:


  • Mobile testing improvements
    • Support for iOS 14.5.1 and iOS 14.6
    • You can orchestrate parallel runs of your mobile tests – in the BitBar device cloud or on mobile devices controlled by a private Appium server easier – by using the Execution Plan
    • Better support for timeouts when working with devices in the BitBar cloud
    • The Mobile Screen window of TestComplete now shows both the list of connected mobile devices and recently used devices
    • TestComplete can now capture images during parallel test runs on mobile devices managed by BitBar and local Appium
  • Web testing improvements
    • Support for Google Chrome 91
    • Support for Firefox 89
    • Use project and project suite variables to specify the URL of a tested website when orchestrating your parallel web test runs in the Execution Plan editor
  • Microsoft Dynamics support
  • SAP GUI support enhancements
  • And more!

Read about more improvements here: What's New in TestComplete 14.91.  

If you have a maintenance subscription, go here to update to TestComplete 14.91

If you’re interested in TestComplete but don’t have it, request a free 30-day trial



Any great discussions you participated in last month? If not, then we’ve got some great ones you can jump in to – here’s our list of the hottest discussion for June 2021:


- ReadyAPI timeout causing failure within TestComplete test run.

- Data driven loop round collection of variables

- Getting Error: Unable to navigate to the URL/page while launching tests

Electron application Object Browser shows only generic "Panel" objects in tree

- Test automation on Virtual Machines


That’s all for June TestComplete news! We hope you found this article interesting. Feel free to comment below – we’d love to get your feedback. See you on the community forums!

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