Forum Discussion

vgarud's avatar
New Member
9 years ago

Can't find a way to change credit card information

I see only options to upgrade/downgrade but nothing to change billing information.

2 Replies

  • Hi vgarud,


    Please do the following to update your billing information on SwaggerHub. 


    1. Click Upgrade on a new plan

    2. Click Change payment method 

    3. Add a new card with the required details 

    4. Once the required details are in place, please select Add new payment method

    5. Then, please select Cancel.

     What this will do is update our records with the new payment method you have without upgrading or downgrading from your existing plan. Once you've done this, please let us know on this forum, and we'll update your payment method for your current plan.

    Also, kindly confirm your username associated with your paid SwaggerHub account. 

  • Hello,


    Thank you for contacting us with this issue. I'm looking into the available options to resolve it and will get back to you.

    In the meantime, can you provide me with the username of your account?


