Forum Discussion

dfdsgfdgfdg's avatar
New Contributor
12 years ago

SSL Certificate


This isn't really a valid question. There isn't something like a more or less trusted certificate authority (CA). Either you/it/the world trust a CA or don't. For e-commerce sites trust comes down to which CA's the browsers that is connected to the site trusts. All browsers have a default trust store in which the trusted CA's are listed.

So, what you want is a certificate from a CA that you trust and that is trusted by your client's browsers. There are many options. Perhaps the biggest ones are Verisign ( and Thawte: ( Personally I prefere RapidSSL/GeoTrust (

Much more can be said on this subject but that is good enough for now I think. Can I get some help with my question now? See thread "Problem populating a json variable using REST".
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