Forum Discussion

blatec's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

Namespace declaration lost

I have to add a new node to the request XML using groovy
I always did it in the same way es below:

def request = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("Response_readAndUpdateAdvisory")
import groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder

def records = new XmlParser().parseText((request.value).toString())

def rootNode = records.'**'.find{ == 'message'}

// new node which have to be inserted
Node urlset = new XmlParser().parseText('<approverList createdById="UBMLTechUser" createdAt="2013-05-15T07:19:30.504+03:00" lastChangedById="UBMLTechUser" lastChangedAt="2013-05-15T07:19:30.504+03:00" optimisticLockAttribute="0" mandatorKey="002 848" deleted="false" id="203D0000040515071905"><name>KAR_Approver</name><userId/><approverTypeKeySle>001</approverTypeKeySle></approverList>')

def childNode= rootNode.children()

// the new node is added to the end

// second part add to approval loanRequestId
// getloanrequestId
def loanRequestId = ""
def requestNode = records.'**'.find{ == 'loanRequest'}
loanRequestId = requestNode.attribute("id")

// add loanrequest to approval
def approvalNode = records.'**'.find{ == 'approverList'}
def newNode = new Node(null, 'loanRequestId', loanRequestId)
approvalNode.appendNode(newNode) approvalNode.toString()

def writer = new StringWriter()
new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(writer)).print(records)

def xmlString =
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("Response_readAndUpdateAdvisory", xmlString )

But in this case, the namespace declaration for "ns5" is removed......

This is a part of the XML, before i manipulated it with the script:
                      <conditionList xsi:type="ns5:DbScheduledPaymentXso" id="09xZ3iNcfP3sOT1xzP30" deleted="false" mandatorKey="002 848" optimisticLockAttribute="0" lastChangedAt="2013-06-19T12:57:07.901+02:00" lastChangedById="UBMLTechUser" createdAt="2013-06-19T12:57:07.901+02:00" createdById="UBMLTechUser" xmlns:ns5="" xmlns:xsi="">

And this is the XML after the "xmlns:ns5="" is missing..
                      <conditionList xsi:type="ns5:DbScheduledPaymentXso" id="09xZ3iNcfP3sOT1xzP30" deleted="false" mandatorKey="002 848" optimisticLockAttribute="0" lastChangedAt="2013-06-19T12:57:07.901+02:00" lastChangedById="UBMLTechUser" createdAt="2013-06-19T12:57:07.901+02:00" createdById="UBMLTechUser" xmlns:xsi="">

Any ideas why this happens??

best regards


3 Replies

  • AAichholzer's avatar
    Occasional Contributor
    Hi nmrao, thanks for your response

    But this does not help in my situation....
    I have a XML request and parse it with XmlParser().
    Then i add a new node and put it back in the request.

    After i parsed the XML Request with XmlParser(), the namespace declaration for ns5 is missing.

    So when i try to execute this request, i get the following error: "prefix ns5 is not bound to a namespace"

    best regards
